Cars for Sale in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania: epicenter for American Freedom. So much of what we value and hold dear as Americans was birthed right here in this historic city. Originally home to numerous native tribes such as the Delaware, Iroquois and Shawnee, Pennsylvania was eventually settled by both Dutch and English. Eventually it became the location of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, and the state, burgeoning nation and, indeed, the world was never the same again.

There are few cities in the country where such remarkable history can be found so deeply ingrained into so much of its fabric. Drive around Pennsylvania and you’re guaranteed to cast your eyes upon some of the most iconic and notable pieces of American history to be found, such as the famed Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, Gettysburg National Park, or the Drake Oil Well in the Cherrytree Township, site of the United States’ first commercial oil well. Or maybe you want some pop culture history. In that case, be sure to run up the now iconic steps that Rocky Balboa climbed in the films, or get a picture taken with the statue depicting Balboa himself just outside the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Driving around is done a lot in Pennsylvania. The average Pennsylvanian will log nearly 12,000 miles annually, and they’ll do so in one of the nearly 10 million registered automobiles found on the state’s roads. There are more than 5,000 automobile dealerships in Pennsylvania with cars for sale, many of which contribute to the $26.32 billion in new car sales and help keep afloat the 267,940 auto industry jobs found there as well.

Just be sure that when you’re driving through Pennsylvania and you see a team of horses coming your way, don’t neglect to pull off the road, cover your car with a blanket or canvas that blends with the countryside and wait for the horses to pass. That’s against the law.

Top Listings in Pennsylvania

Fredericksburg Standard

P.O. Box 1639
Fredericksburg, TX 78624-4228